On Friday 19th May 2497 (Cosford) Squadron held their annual awards evening, Presentation Evening.
We were joined by Squadron Leader John Smith RAF VR(T), a staff officer from West Mercian Wing, who has been involved with the RAF Air Cadets for over 30 years and who has recently been awarded a third bar to his long service medal in recognition of this achievement. It was a privilege for us to have him as our Guest of Honour for our Presentation Evening, with his wealth of experience he can truly appreciate what cadet life is all about, and he knows just what it takes to achieve the high standards that are so synonymous with the RAF Air Cadets.
Below: Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T), Officer Commanding 2497 (Cosford) Squadron; Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T), Guest of Honour; and Don Rhodes, Squadron Civilian Committee Chairman at the Presentation Evening.
Presentation Evening is a special night for all cadets and their parents/guardians. It is an opportunity for the parents, guardians and families of cadets to see what the squadron has been doing over the last twelve months, as well as to highlight the many achievements of squadron cadets and adult volunteers.
“Cosford squadron has not just grown over the past 12 months, it has positively flourished. Nurtured by a dedicated team of staff we have provided a wealth of opportunities for squadron cadets to engage in.”Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T), Officer Commanding 2497 (Cosford) Squadron
Enrollment ceremony
Presentation Evening was an important night for twenty-four new cadets. We were also privileged to be joined by Reverend Canon Eric Knowles, Wales and West Regional Chaplain who was present to enrol the new cadets in to the Air Training Corps. Officially making them members of the Air Training Corps. ‘The promise’ they made is one that every Air Cadet must make and is renewed on Air Training Corps Sunday in February each year. These cadets will now move into two other flights (groups) at the squadron to continue their lessons to earn more classification badges.
I hereby solemnly promise on my honour to serve my Unit loyally and to be faithful to my obligations as a member of the Air Training Corps. I further promise to be a good citizen and to do my duty to God and the Queen, my country and my Flag.Cadet Promise
Luke Astley Award for the Best Recruit
To kick start the awards, Cadet M. Marshall won the ‘Luke Astley Award’ for the Best Recruit. This award is a new addition to the squadron’s awards and was introduced in memory of ex-Cadet Luke Astley who sadly passed away recently.
Below: Cadet M. Marshall collecting his award from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening
After an introduction from Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T), Cadet Corporal J. Tucker, Cadet T. Evans and Cadet Flight Sergeant A. Killeen spoke about their respective trips that they have been able to go on over the last year including a trip to Gibraltar, skiing in Austria and Fieldcraft camps.
The next awards that were presented were for the ‘most improved male cadet’ and the ‘most improved female cadet’.
Most improved male cadet nominees
Cadet B. Haley
For squadron representation, enthusiasm and commitment.
Cadet D. Whalley
For squadron involvement representation and achievement.
Cadet T. Evans
For consistently high uniform standards and enthusiasm.
Cadet S. Jones
For outstanding attendance and progression with his DofE award.
Winner: Cadet B. Haley collecting his trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Most improved female cadet nominees
Cadet A. Robinson
For enthusiasm, perseverance and squadron representation.
Cadet D. Smith
For squadron representation, motivation and attendance.
Cadet L. Nixon
For squadron representation, attendance and commitment.
Cadet M. Pritchard
For attendance, squadron representation, DofE and determination.
Winner: Cadet M. Pritchard collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Trips are not the only opportunity that the RAF Air Cadets has to offer, there are also opportunities to better our skills. This was highlighted by Cadet L. Nixon, Cadet Flight Sergeant C. Weetman and Cadet Corporal A. Cooper, who spoke about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Adventure Training activities and the Basic Expedition Assistant Leaders course.
Adventure Training Trophy Nominees
Cadet Corporal A. Lowe
For DofE, and exceptional enthusiasm on the Windermere Adventure Training camp.
Cadet Corporal C. Walthorne
For DofE, and Adventure training leadership course participation.
Cadet Corporal J. Tucker
For DofE, fieldcraft and canoe and kayak skills training.
Cadet Flight Sergeant C.
For DofE canoeing and kayaking.
Winner: Cadet Corporal J. Tucker collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Not only do the cadets take part in activities to benefit them, but also events that give back to the local community. Cadet B. Haley spoke about the public parades that our squadron take part in and Cadet M. Pritchard talked about the fundraising activities the squadron does including poppy selling for the Royal British Legion. Cadet D. Whalley also spoke about the Open Cockpits evenings at RAF Museum Cosford that several cadets have helped out with.
Royal Air Forces Association Community Cup nominees
The Royal Air Forces Association Cup recognises cadet involvement in the community. Cadet involvement can be at squadron level through organised activities or of their own personal doing. Cadets who have completed the volunteering section of their DofE award are also taken into consideration when looking for nominees for this award.
Cadet S. Thompson
For voluntary work at RAF Cosford and poppy selling.
Cadet M. Pritchard
For Bridgnorth Walk, poppy selling and participation in community events.
Cadet S. Jones
For being a Park run volunteer and forpoppy selling.
Cadet Flight Sergeant C.
For Lifeguarding, poppy selling and helping at museum events.
Winner: Cadet S. Thompson collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
As cadets rise through the ranks, they need training in how to be a good Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer (Cdt NCO). Cadet Sergeant H. Vinall spoke about her experience on the Wing Junior NCO course and the squadron organised Cdt NCO course and what she gained from the experience. She closed with how she hoped many other aspiring Cdt NCOs could have the opportunity to experience the course and develop themselves and their leadership skills.
Earl of Bradford Trophy for the Best Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer nominees
Ex Cadet Warrant Officer R. Phillips
For leading the Cadet NCO team and maintaining their high standards.
Cadet Flight Sergeant C.
For leading by example and ensuring cadet welfare is always looked after.
Cadet Sergeant A. Rogers
For enthusiasm, willingness to help and desire to meet the highest of standards.
Cadet Corporal J. Tucker
For embracing the role and displaying previously hidden leadership qualities.
Winner: Cadet Flight Sergeant C. Weetman collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Many of the cadets look forward to the nights in the squadron calendar where we can utilise the gym at RAF Cosford and play sports. Cadet Corporal A. Bryan spoke about how cadets can compete on many different levels.
Sports Trophy nominees
The Sports Trophy recognises sporting achievement at all levels. It also recognises team spirit and squadron representation.
Cadet J. Austin
For squadron representation and success in swimming.
Cadet Corporal A. Bryan
For squadron, wing and regional representation in netball, hockey athletics and cross country.
Cadet Corporal J. Tucker
For swimming, athletics, cross country, netball and 5-a-side soccer.
Cadet A. Aich
Who as a new cadet gave it his all at Cross country and athletics.
Winner: Cadet Corporal A. Bryan collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
2497 (Cosford) Squadron has for many years had a band, however, in the last year it has expanded greatly with strong enthusiasm being shown by its members. Cadet Flight Sergeant L. Pritchard spoke in more depth about the band’s progress over the last year.
Bandsperson Award nominees
Cadet A. Leeper
For her determination in musical learning.
Cadet R. Bowler
For band representation and support.
Cadet Corporal L. Parsonage
For stepping in and learning base drum at the 11th hour and further development of this skill.
Cadet K. Jane
For his musical improvisation skills and willingness to learn.
Winner: Cadet Corporal L. Parsonage collecting his trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Cadet Corporal A. Lowe spoke about aerospace activities that cadets can take part in which many of the newer cadets often use. Followed by a speech by Cadet Corporal T. Gent, who spoke about winning ‘Smartest Cadet’ during West Mercian’s Wing Field Day last year. The squadron also hope to retain the title of ‘Smartest Squadron’ at this year’s Wing Field Day.
The next award, was the Rhodes Cup.
Rhodes Cup for the Cadet of the Year
This award recognises squadron representation by all of its cadets. The various and varied activities that the squadron undertakes during a calendar year are given a suitable points value, and at the end of the year the cadet with the most points is awarded the cup.
“The winner of the Rhodes cup this year has simply thrown herself into squadron life representing the squadron and wing in sports activities, representing the squadron, wing and region at band, completed her bronze DofE award, supported fund raising activities, attended canoeing courses, supported tutor flight cadets and been appointed as this year’s RAF Cosford Station Commander’s Cadet.”Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T)
Winner: Cadet Flight Sergeant C. Weetman collecting her trophy from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
The final cadet speech of the night was by myself, speaking about the enjoyable experience of last year’s Dining in Night. An event that everyone looks forward to where all cadets dress up for a fantastic evening with great food.
Wandering Trophy
The final award was the Wandering Trophy. This award can be awarded to any member of the squadron, whether they are a cadet, squadron staff or members of the Civilian Committee.
“For those of you who are not sure of the difference between involvement and commitment then a good analogy can be made by comparing the two to the traditional full English breakfast – eggs and bacon. The hen who laid the egg for the full English breakfast was involved in its production, however, the pig was committed.
“The Wandering Trophy this year is being awarded to a couple who were, according to squadron legend, conned into becoming Civilian Instructors by filling in the wrong form, yet despite this they have whole heartedly thrown themselves into squadron life, providing valuable support for weekend activities and Duke of Edinburgh training. They have helped develop the squadron band, taken on administrate and chauffeuring duties, assisted in organising social events, run the squadron shop, organised squadron clothing, attended shooting training courses, and much, much more besides. They have both made a considerable contribution to the success of our squadron and it is an honour and privilege to have them on our books.” said Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T).
Winners: Civilian Instructors Claire and Jason Pritchard collecting their award from Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T) at the Presentation Evening.
Ex Cadet Warrant Officer Phillips, now a member of the Civilian Committee, debuted the new squadron website. With months of preparation, Mr R. Phillips showed the guests the key features to the new website that will make finding key information more accessible.
Our guest of honour, Squadron Leader John Smith RAFVR(T), then went on to speak about the squadron’s successes over the last year, including our Morris Trophy Inspection, as well as the impressive night we had put on for Presentation Evening.
To finish, all guests were invited to a buffet and many won brilliant prizes from the raffle, a night thoroughly enjoyed by all.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to all those who attended last night’s presentation evening and helped make the evening such a success. Those cadets who spoke did so very well, you were clear and your speeches gave a good insight into our activities. Also well done to those cadets that were enrolled, again you did your part in true professional style. Congratulations to those of you who received awards and trophies, each one thoroughly deserved. Finally, and by no means least, I would like to say thank you to the staff who were involved with the organisation and running of last night. Without you we wouldn’t be were we are today!”Flight Lieutenant Giles Vince RAFVR(T)View photos of the night
By Cadet Corporal E. Alexander-McGowan
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